Get Fit Fast! Level 1


Course Overview:

Welcome to another Academy 4 week course.

This Academy 4 week course has 20 different exercise routines presented as Level 1 Beginner, Level 2 Intermediate, Level 3 Advanced. There are also 4 yoga classes which do not have levels, and 4 Guided Imagery classes.

This is Get Fit Fast! Level 1 Beginner.

We will use some accessories in this course including dumbbells, yoga blocks. Check out links below in right column to order online.

Try these workouts if you are an inactive senior and feel that you could progress.

The workouts are easy and only 10 minutes long. Make sure to warm up with the seated warm up exercise in the top of the right column. Then perform the exercise of the day and end with the seated cool down at the top of the right column.

As your strength improves you may choose to repeat the exercise for a total of 20 minutes. Glad you are in the Academy and starting to build your strength and stability.

  • There are so many good classes in this course.

  • Dear Doug, I’m glad to announce to you that I successfully completed Level One course. Am I supposed to get a pat at my back, or this would’ve been too much. (kidding). Now I’ve started classes of Get Fit Fast. I am wondering if There is the way to make a mark somehow, so I could easily got there whenever I go to the next class of it .
    All the best,
    Lily K

  • TimK says:

    This looks like a fun course and it is coming on the heels of Thanksgiving, in the midst of the holiday eating season. Also, the weather where I live is making outdoor activity less pleasant so I need to increase my indoor exercise. A timely, seasonal delivery – thanks, Doug!

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